HIPAA Resources

SunPlus Healthcare Solutions > HIPAA Resources


HIPAA is the acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act signed into law on August 21, 1996, Public Law 104-191. This law impacted all areas of the healthcare industry and was designed to provide insurance portability, improve the efficiency of healthcare by standardizing the exchange of administrative and financial data, and protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of healthcare information. The Office of Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been given enforcement responsibility for HIPAA. Violations of HIPAA standards carry stiff fines and criminal penalties – including imprisonment.
SunPlus Healthcare Solutions’s corporate policy is to observe all existing state and federal laws relating to transmission, storage, and access to personally identifiable healthcare information and maintain such information’s security. SunPlus Healthcare Solutions also recognizes that public disclosure of descriptive and evaluative data on costs, quality, and other attributes of healthcare is critical to efforts to control costs and improve both the quality and availability of healthcare services; however, we further recognize that such disclosure must be carried out in a manner that minimizes the risks of inappropriate disclosure and optimizes the opportunities for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of data that may identify individuals in their roles as patients or consumers. Therefore, SunPlus Healthcare Solutions will neither pursue nor knowingly retain a customer relationship with an entity that is either unwilling or unable to comply with the privacy protections that meet the SunPlus Healthcare Solutions minimum criteria.

We collect only the information we believe necessary to fulfill customer needs. We will only receive or handle personally identifiable health information consistent with applicable law, and other legal obligations, and to the extent necessary to service our customers and to contribute to cost containment and quality improvement.

Center for Medicaid and Medicaid Services

Administration Simplification

Privacy Final Rule

Implementation Guides

Privacy Enforcement

Security Final Rule

Transactions and Code Sets Final Rule